
7 Traits Of A Strong Personality That Intimidates Others


After having gone through years, decades of development, your mind changing and evolving so you become more away of who you are, of how you behave, it's impossible to not wear all that experience on your sleeve. All this growth results in someone who's very emotionally intelligent with a strong personality, a type that can be a bit intimidating to those who still have a ways to go to catch up to them.

To know if you're one of these people, if it's your steadfast will and self-aware mind that keeps people at a distance, read on.

A strengthened, steady mind can bring about many benefits in life. If you focus your mental energy in the right direction, you can accomplish great things, including bringing the success you desire into your life.

The Law of Attraction is a means of attracting whatever you wish for most right to you, and it's easier to adopt into your daily routine than you might think. Click here to learn what the Law of Attraction can do for you and how to get started today.

Putting People Off

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Whether this is a role you relate to or you know someone who fits this bill, there are some pretty intimidating people out there. Not always due to their size or appearance, but due to their personality alone, displaying such resoluteness and fortitude that they give off a bit of a scary aura to weaker souls.

This intimidation is usually caused not by any actual fear, but by self-conscious beliefs when someone realizes how sure of themselves someone else is. Below are some traits that these types of strong personalities tend to have, what makes them uniquely powerful in the eyes of someone who still has some growing to do.


1. They Won't Put Up With Ignorance

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Ignorance is among one of the greatest enemies of strong-willed individuals. They can tell the difference between boldness that stems from informed confidence versus blind confidence. The former has spent years working on building their character, their work, and their knowledge, while the latter is woefully uninformed, but so delusionally convinced they're right that they forge on anyway.


The latter type is not someone who will get along with a strong-willed person. They desire people who think before they speak and take careful measures to present their best selves, not someone who throws tantrums when things don't go their way and blames others for their own mistakes.


2. They Prefer Deep Conversations Over Small Talk

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For those who have gone through many cycles of growth, rebirth, and overall change, small talk starts to become... tiresome. The same pleasantries that you exchange with everybody start to feel way too same-y for their tastes. They desire a higher level of discussion, something thought-provoking and intelligent, something they can really chew on.


It's not that they're bad at small talk, they can chat up almost anybody if need be, nor does this mean that they're springing existential talking points on strangers or cashiers that they run into. It just means that they expect something deeper from those that they're close to.


3. They Don't Take Excuses

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Those with strong personalities hate when people try to make excuses. Excuses about why you didn't finish something, arrived somewhere late, or forgot an important detail are very different from explanations about why those things happened. The former is an attempt from someone to absolve themselves from guilt, while the other is merely context given so they can properly own up to what went wrong.


Strong-minded people will be able to tell the difference, and they won't stand for any attempt at an excuse. They admire displays of honesty and accountability.


4. They're Selective About The People In Their Life

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People with strong personalities are very picky about the people they let into their life. They're not desperate for attention of company, they don't need others around them to tell them who they are or make them feel complete. They're willing to wait for the right people to come along rather than just taking anyone in.


This assures that they build meaningful connections with everyone in their life rather than stretching themselves thin across tons of people they only half-know. If you're in the inner circle of someone who you consider to be resolute and headstrong, you should count yourself lucky!


5. They're Open To Growing And Changing

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When facing challenging feelings, like insecurity or jealously, those with strong personalities will recognize these feelings as opportunities for emotional and mental growth. If they're feeling self-conscious about something, they'll examine that sensation and see where it stems from. They'll address it, do any work they need to do to get over it, and they'll appreciate that moment of discomfort that led to improving themselves.


Difficult times should not be met with immediate surrender to the pain. You shouldn't fold to negative impulses the second you feel them. Being a strong person means pushing through life's harder moments, even when it feels impossible.


6. They Don't Let Fear Rule Their Life

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Saying that anyone, even strong-willed types, is completely fearless would be inaccurate. Everyone is scared of something. However, the difference within those strong-willed people is that they don't let their fears get in the way of of living their life.


They have a more profound understanding of their obstacles, why they're important to overcome, and how to overcome them. The fears still exist, but they don't get in the way anymore. They understand that living in the present and experiencing the things life throws their way is more important than bowing to any sort of fear.


7. They Don't Need Attention

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An increasingly rare quality in modern times, people with strong personalities don't need attention. They don't need constant text messages from friends, they don't need hundreds of likes on their social media posts, and they don't need line after line of praise at work. They can get by just fine without any eyes on them at all.


If anything, they prefer it. They enjoy the freedom of existence that exists outside of others' perception of them. They're not total recluses, and they'll happily participate in events, but you'll notice that they don't crave being around other people very often.


To Stay The Same

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Being intimidating due to these qualities isn't a bad thing. It weeds out the people who don't have the fortitude to face people they admire, and allows you more peace as you won't have to deal with as much of life's social business.


Really, it all comes down to if you're happy in your standing right now. If you feel a little lonely and want more people around, don't tone down these traits. Instead, learn new ways you can seem more inviting and welcoming to your peers. You should never have to change yourself to fit the mold other people want of you, but you can grow into someone that better aligns with how you want to be.

Starting on this path to change can seem intimidating, but it is possible! And though most of it will require hard work on your end, there is a technique you can use to make the journey much easier.

The Law of Attraction can help bring the positive energies and the people you need to help you grow right to you. It's easy to start and easy to implement into your day-to-day life. Click here to learn more and see what you can draw closer today.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a writer with many years' experience under his belt, covering everything from entertainment news to astrology. He's now following his creativity and writing interior design content for everyone looking to brighten their space. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys embroidery, birdwatching, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

Published by
Daniel Mitchell

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