Five Types Of Toxic Mothers Who Leave Invisible Scars On Their Daughters
Not all scars are visible. Some hide deep inside, to the point where we might not even realize we have them till we suddenly feel their pain. We wonder why we are the way we are, unable to let ourselves be loved, or even unable to love in the capacity that we know we can. We realize that we’re just protecting ourselves.
The way a mother loves their child will dictate the way that the child defines and understands love. This becomes their first contact with the concept and once they form it, whether it’s good or bad, it can be really hard to change it as an adult. Here’s how.
For more great relationship advice and tips on how to attain the kind of love you deserve, watch this video from expert, Amy North: Click Here To Watch The Full Video.
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The Controlling Mother

Sai De Silva / Unsplash
Sai De Silva / Unsplash
For some mothers, it was impossible to accept that mother does not know best simply because she is a mother. Yet, she used this statement over and over again to assert her word. It was her way or the highway and this meant a series of endless rules, many of which were a reflection of her own insecurities.
She convinced herself that she was protecting you and acting out of love but instead she made you resent her for never saying yes, for never trusting you, for never giving you the opportunity to experience the world and learn for yourself. She even at times tried to control your feelings in her complete refusal to recognize you as an independent person. Rather she saw you as an extension of herself and used that to justify why you must always do as she asks.