Categories: Uplifting Stories

Characteristics Of Strong-Willed People


There are definitely a lot of different personalities out there. It’s not a binary thing where you’re one or the other. There are lots and lots of different personalities.

One of them, and one of the most interesting to me, is the strong-willed personality. How do you know if you’re strong-willed?

1. You don’t let friends in easily.

Pexels / cottonbro studio
Pexels / cottonbro studio

Strong-willed people don’t often make new friends, not because they’re unfriendly. Far from it; strong-willed people tend to be more extroverted than most.

Rather, it’s because they don’t just let anyone in. They select their circle of friends very carefully.

2. You aren’t afraid of fear.

Strong-willed people aren’t at all afraid of the unknown. They don’t fear fear. Instead, they accept fear as a part of living and challenge it head-on.

Not just the fears but themselves. Strong-willed people like to better understand their fear.

3. You don’t put up with ignorance.

‘Ignorance is not an excuse’ tends to be the manifesto of the strong-willed person.

If you’ve bumbled your way onto their shit list, don’t expect to get off easily.

4. You don’t put up with excuses.

Excuses are like pants, and when worn too much, they kinda stink. Strong-willed people aren’t interested in your excuses.

If you mess up, fess up. But don’t try to pull the wool over their eyes. They won’t have any of it.

5. You’re a fearless leader.

Strong willed people are some of the best leaders.

They listen to the people advising them, don’t get me wrong, but at the end of the day, if something is incongruent with their beliefs, they won’t set it into action.

6. You make the best out of the worst situations.

Strong-willed people know how to make the best out of just about any situation. It’s part of why they make such good leaders, friends, and lovers.

They don’t take no for an answer, even when life seems to say it all the time.

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